
not fried chicken®

Our cult favorite ice cream bar. The hand-crafted original. Beware of knock offs and imitations. Life Raft Treats® Not Fried Chicken® is the REAL and only deal!!!!

Waffle ice cream + chocolate-covered cookie “bone” + caramelized white chocolate + crushed cornflakes = weaponized mouth joy

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naturally dairy-free

Our signature, seasonal fruit bombes are made with fresh local fruit and a minimum of sugar. Individually painted with Valrhona Almond Inspiration and naturally derived colorants, our bombes look at taste even better than the real thing. Flavors include peach (pictured here), strawberry and citrus.


edible works of art

We take ice cream novelties to the next level with thoughtful, whimsical takes on ice cream “sandwiches,” pictured here, and “frozen dinners.”

Check out our Instagram feed to see our latest showstopper!


beautiful celebrations

Click here to order one of our seasonal ice cream cakes, order a unique custom cake for your wedding, anniversary, birthday or special occasion or have us create a luxury ice cream and sweets table for your unforgettable event.

spectacular holidays

From our famous “Thanksgiving dinner plate” and our beloved ice cream Wongducken to elegant holiday Buche de noel, pictured here, Valentine’s Neapolitan heart sandwiches, Father’s Day TV dinners and more, Life Raft Treats brings joy and surprise to your family table or holiday party.